At Arthur Road Dental Practice we place great emphasis on meeting and whenever possible, exceeding our patient’s expectations. We try to ensure that all patients are pleased with their experience of our service and we take any concerns a patient may have very seriously.
If you have a concern regarding any aspect of your care, please let us know. Our team is trained to resolve your concern to your satisfactionpromptly, professionally and in a sensitive manner.We listen carefully to a patient who makes a complaint and involve them fully in the process of managing it. We aim to meet any outcomes that the patient expects. We will respond to any complaints within the time limits set by our Complaints Procedure and we do not discriminate against a patient who has made a complaint.
If a patient is not satisfied despite our best efforts to resolve the complaint they will be informed about other avenues that are open to them such as The Dental Complaints Service/ GDC Dental Complaints Service/ The Care Quality Commission.
We endeavor to learn from every complaint so that our services, policies and procedures can be continually improved.